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Technical Rules & Guidelines

The below guidelines are rules set out by the Raas All-Stars XVI Executive Board. The circuit guidelines are rules which will be implemented at RAS and are expected to be followed by competitions and teams throughout the season. Any rules may be constrained by competitions dependent on their logistics and capacity except for the props & set guidelines which may only be relaxed further. These rules will be laid out in individual competitions' technical packet and will be released to teams at the discretion of the competition. 

Circuit Guidelines


  • The total dance performance must be no shorter than 5 minutes and 30 seconds and must not exceed 7 minutes and 30 seconds in length

  • The above time limit does not include the introduction video (details mentioned below) 

Intro Video

  • The video must not exceed 1 minute and 30 seconds in length 

  • Competitions may at their discretion decrease the maximum length to as little as 1 minute.

  • The video cannot include:

    • Profanity

    • Extreme or graphic violence

    • Sexual acts

    • Nudity

    • Elements of consumption of drugs and/or alcohol


  • ​The music must be between 5 minutes, 30 seconds and 7 minutes, 30 seconds in length. There can be a maximum of 10 seconds of silence incorporated to the beginning of the mix which IS included in the maximum mix length.

  • The music must be provided as one continuous track. Tracks will not be paused or stopped during the performance 

  • The music must be leveled to ensure equal volume throughout the performance 

  • The music cannot include:

    • Profanity

    • Sexual sounds

Props & Set

  • Box prop dimensions 

    • All props when consolidated must fit within the dimensions below 

    • 4ft (depth) x 7ft (length) x 10ft (height) 

    • Props that do not fit within these size dimensions will NOT be allowed on stage and will NOT be guaranteed storage at the competition. 

    • Props stored must be able to stand on their own without any support, to ensure the safety of prop storage environment as well as other teams’ props​

  • Props may be condensed to fit within the space, additional time will not be given other than when a team is side stage to expand the props to their full size. 

  • A competition may allocate a larger props storage space that must be outlined on Ekta and in their registration packet.

  • Competitions reserve the right to refuse the use/storage of any prop in accordance with their venue restrictions and props and set storage maximums.

  • Competitions and RAS reserve the right to enforce a monetary penalty if a team fails to follow the outlined tech guidelines.

    • All fines imposed by RAS MUST be paid by Wednesday March 13th, 2024 if the team qualifies for RAS, or Wednesday May 15th, 2024 for non-RAS qualifying teams.

    • Failure to comply with payment will result in loss of RAS qualification or inability to compete in the following RAS season.

  • All bid competitions must provide a box that is at least 4ft (depth) x 7ft (length) x 10ft (height).

  • Bid competitions may accommodate their larger props at their discretion. Competition MUST provide applying teams with maximum condensed props dimensions on the Ekta platform.

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